Using photographs weʼll take in class as a guide, make a vector-based self- portrait with Adobe Illustrator. The object of this project is to be as visually detailed and honest as is possible while using only strokes and shapes – no filters, gradients, or effects. Strokes and shapes – that’s all. Your primary tools in this project will be the pen tool (and its subtools), the pencil tool, and, possibly, the brush tool. This must be printed 13″ x 19″. As always, include a write-up that describes both your creative process, and technical efforts in this project.
– Deliverables: 1 x 13”x19” inkjet print
– 300 ppi PNG file from the illustrator ai file emailed to
– project write-up in the body of the email
Project worth: 30 points
Project due for critique: March 7
Beginning tutorial from class:
Previous semester’s tutorial from class
Printing to the Canon Pro9000 Illustrator CS6 Essential Training
(It’s ten hours worth of training, but I’d watch at least chapters 1 – 6 if I were you.)
Artists to consider: Chuck Close