Art 318: Assignment Two – Basic webpage

Your first web page will be a basic implementation of the following competencies:

  • A solid understanding of managing files for your web host (uploading, naming, downloading, linking)
  • The proper use and construction of HTML utilizing a conventional document model (header, body, footer), with appropriately used structure and semantic tags (body, div, nav, article, p, img, etc.)
  • Accurate use of an external CSS file to conform the structured HTML into a design using meaningful naming conventions, the stylings should at least affect page layout, typography and color.

Email a link your webpage to

Training video:
Watch all these videos, and practice with Dreamweaver or TextWrangler as you watch.

Due 1-25-13
10 Points

Let's get your website off the ground. Like this motorcycle. It can fly.
Let’s get your website off the ground. Like this motorcycle. It can fly.