
Umm Dec 1, 2016

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Texturing Workshop Nov 30, 2016

I attempted a game asset workshop yesterday at the Buffalo Game space. The turn out was huge, but the wide gamut in abilities, and the overly ambitious lesson plan meant that the workshop started to crater about half way in. Teaching Blender basics is like moving heavy furniture. Up stairs.
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Glitched Grandmother Nov 25, 2016Glitched Grandmother

My grandmother passed away a few days ago. A week before she died my father texted this photo of her to me. His photo included these unintended glitches. 
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TV Nov 25, 2016

Thinking about television in 2016 vs anything before 2000… Stories, characters, effects etc. Are so profoundly more sophisticated. This is evidence of a population in hyper-development. But, it also points to why approximately 40% of the population feels they are being left behind. The new entertainments are too sophisticated and intellectually challenging. 
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MST3K Marathon Nov 24, 2016
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Going home Nov 24, 2016

My brother in the middle, his boyfriend Matt on the left, my mother on the right.
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No More Facebook Nov 24, 2016

I have decided to avoid posting to Facebook and to move content that I normally shared at that social media platform onto my own server. Most of these posts will be stupid, political and somewhat random. Enjoy.
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